Stanley Hydraulic Underwater Tools are available with PSL operations involving underwater construction, salvage and demolition. An indicative tool list owned by PSL is listed below:

➲ Underwater Dredging Pumps
➲ Chain Saw – Concrete Cutting – Diamond.
➲ Cut-Off Saw.
➲ Drills – Rotational, Hammer & Sinker Drills.
➲ Grinders.
➲ Impact Drills / Wrenches.
➲ Pumps.
➲ Hydraulic Power Packs.
The Broco® Underwater Cutting System provides the fastest, most efficient and cost effective means of completing underwater cutting, piercing and gouging tasks. The system includes the new Broco® BR-22 PLUS Torch, HVR-4401 Regulator, UW/KS Knife Switch, and Broco® Ultrathermic Cutting Rods.