PSL’s core field teams include an exceptional talent pool of offshore divers & field techs that are supported by quality training and can ensure success at every stage of the project. Teams have been assembled through selective acquisitions and recruiting and lie at the Core of PSL’s field execution teams.
PSL can ensure immediate response and quality deliverables for diver inspections and offshore Support / Diving Services worldwide.
A robust safety initiative and sense of belonging foster a documented “can do” attitude and provides for Offshore Project Management & Support that is tailored to service our Client’s Needs.
Teamwork is the most valued attribute of all PSL Teams and is built in the company’s “family business” culture. Office based support through our in house human resources are dedicated to understanding client needs for planning, engineering, quality control, and safe operations. Field Execution and Offshore Support by PSL is seamlessly carried out through constant checkpoints and communication with the responsible offshore group, ensuring quality service and deliverables.
With Dive Teams (IMCA Compliant) strategically positioned at various locations around
The world including:
Athens, Greece
Istanbul, Turkey
Varna, Bulgaria
Florida, USA
Tripoli, Libya